The projects presented below are designed and developed by me: videos, drawings, GIFs, paintings (to the exception of the book design of Hora da História 1 and 2, as well as the short story illustration, everything else is the production of my creative hand, mind and heart.
Instructional Design
Business 1
Apart from Business Development, where I used digital tools, such as Hubspot to optimize CRM, I was active in International Trade Pre-Sales, Event Management (Hannover Messe 2019), and played a key role in Content Development (for Training, EE, and Social Media).
Example of content produced for Brestahl Engineering, Portugal (2019/2020)
Social Media management (LinkedIn, Facebook)
Employee Engagement (Kahoots)
Development and video content creation (including video-recording/ production) of the now seasoned YouTube channel
Business 2
Area: Business Development – Communication in Innovation
Business 3
Area: Growth and Development
Example of gamified Leadership skills training.
Academic publications and research output
Intercultural Competence in PLE textbooks – Systematic Literature Review
Scope review
Other publications and non-publications
Project coordinator and co-author of Hora da História 1 and 2 (textbook, exercise book an teacher’s book and teacher’s pack, with extra resources for students. Publishing with Lidel, Ed. Técnicas, Lisbon and Indie Publishing at Amazon Kindle and Apple Books.
Didactic publications
Leite (Coord.), Andrade, Barreiros (2018). Hora da História 1, Manual do Aluno, Ed. Lidel
Leite (Coord.), Andrade, Barreiros (2018). Hora da História 1, Caderno de Eercícios, Ed. Lidel
Leite (Coord.), Andrade, Barreiros (2018). Hora da História 1, Livro do Professor, Ed. Lidel
Leite (Coord.), Andrade, Barreiros (2018). Hora da História 2, Manual do Aluno, Ed. Lidel
Leite (Coord.), Andrade, Barreiros (2018). Hora da História 2, Caderno de Eercícios, Ed. Lidel
Leite (Coord.), Andrade, Barreiros (2018). Hora da História 2, Livro do Professor, Ed. Lidel
Uma apresentação do Hora da História (A1 e A2)
Materiais PLE pela voz das autoras Webinar
Next Wednesday, June 17th 2020 from 12 pm to 1pm some authors by Lidel, Edições Técnicas will get together to present their work and discuss important topics around education in the 21st century. Hora da História 1 and Hora da História 2represent a method for teaching children on the level A1 and A2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. Susana Leite is going to present how to approach multiple intelligences in a Portuguese as a Foreign Language Classroom. Register to listen here:
Children’s books
Leite, Susana. (2018). A aldeia do arroz, Indie publishing (Amazon and Apple Books)
Leite, Susana (2022) de rerum vitae, Indie Publishing (Amazon and Apple Books), versão 3
Leite, Susana (2011). sinestesias do vamos-indo. Contos.
Os ilegítimos (in process)
A mesa (in process)
Hobby 1 – Drawing and painting
Portfolio of paintings: a hobby developed during the stay-at-home time of the pandemic. A business opportunity arises from using, an art marketplace.
Hobby 4 – Advice for teachers and parents including downloadable resources)
Despite being a secondary teacher, I have taught children aged 6 – 10 and this blog is a reflection of my experience at school, with tips for parents and resources for teachers. It contais a podcast hosted on Bluepress, a landing page for services in teaching Portuguese for children, as well as a downloadable workbook
Hobby 5
For the older learners
Lingua Design
For the older learners
Hobby 6
A big fan of Self-Development
Hobby 7
Breathing and meditation channel
Canal de respiração e meditação