
The projects presented below are designed and developed by me: videos, drawings, GIFs, paintings (to the exception of the book design of Hora da História 1 and 2, as well as the short story illustration, everything else is the production of my creative hand and mind, heart and soul.

Business 1

Apart from Business Development, where I used digital tools, such as Hubspot to optimize CRM, I was active in International Trade Pre-Sales, Event Management (Hannover Messe 2019), and played a key role in Content Development (for Training, EE, and Social Media).

Example of content produced for Brestahl Engineering, Portugal (2019/2020)

Social Media management (LinkedIn, Facebook)

Employee Engagement (Kahoots)

Development and video content creation (including video-recording/ production) of the now seasoned YouTube channel

Business 2

Area: Business Development


Business 3

Area: Growth and Development

Example of gamified Leadership skills training.

Portfolio of paintings: a hobby developed during the stay-at-home time of the pandemic. A business opportunity arises from using p55.net, an art marketplace.

Project coordinator and co-author of Hora da História 1 and 2 (textbook, exercise book an teacher’s book and teacher’s pack, with extra resources for students. Publishing with Lidel, Ed. Técnicas, Lisbon and Indie Publishing at Amazon Kindle and Apple Books.

Academic publications:

Despite being a secondary teacher, I have taught children aged 6 – 10 and this blog is a reflection of my experience at school, with tips for parents and resources for teachers. It contais a podcast hosted on Bluepress, a landing page for services in teaching Portuguese for children, as well as a downloadable workbook

For the older learners

A big fan of Self-Development

Portfolio categories