Table of contents
Transferable skills
Business services
Contact to schedule a meeting
Instructional design
ID Theoretical framework
Projects completed and undergoing (e.g. PhD candidate in Education at the University of Aveiro)

Transferable skills
I’ve got a long teaching background in six countries and a versatile career, including experience working in the IT sector, and I’m looking forward to growing into an Instructional Designer, as I’ve got all the transferable skills necessary, and an open mind to learn with each and every project.
With a self-starter attitude, eager to learn and improve both personally and professionally, I have gathered technical skills both working in IT, as well as studying Digital Business at Porto Business School. I have excellent interpersonal and intercultural skills proved as a teacher and most recently as a Ph.D. student in Education at the University of Aveiro.
Busines Services
I like to keep technically updated and constantly develop my personal skills with the aim of serving individuals, projects, and organisations. Check out more about me here or here.

Get in touch

Theoretical framework
From Needs Analysis (TNAs), qualitative (open-question surveys; focus groups; case studies) or quantitative (multiple-choice quiz surveys), to Evaluation (through Analytics (Qualtrics)), there’s a lot that can be planned, designed, evaluated (tracked) and then iterated until one finds the best training solution for a specific class in a given time and context.
As instructional designers, we work more in the Design and Development phase, but it’s important to understand and take into account how the other phases of the process play out.
Analysis/Assessment, Design and Development, Implementation, Evaluation
Gagné’s events
Perhaps my favourite, the Gagné’s nine events help the outlining of the designing process. It’s similar to a lesson plan and it contains all the steps from creating the receptive mode in students / participants through to eliciting output.
- Gain attention of the students.
- Inform students of the objectives.
- Stimulate recall of prior learning.
- Present the content.
- Provide learning guidance.
- Elicit performance (practice)
- Provide feedback.
- Assess performance
- Enhance retention and transfer (of knowledge and skills).
Model of evaluation with 4 levels. There’s no evaluation if there’s no planning.
The 4 levels of the model aim to evaluate in the trainees:
- Reaction
- Learning
- Behavior (did the trainees integrate what they learned on the job?)
- Results
Bloom’s Taxonomy
This cognitive model was developed in 1956 by Benjamin Bloom, with updates by Anderson and Krathwohl, and 6 levels of development. Usually the best matrix for the setting of objectives.
- Creating
- Evaluating
- Analysing
- Applying
- Understanding
- Remembering
Action Mapping
Cathy Moore
Action mapping can be used to design learning solutions around simulations and scenarios. “Everything on the map has to justify its existence by linking directly to the business goal.” (Moore)
Action mapping answers a few questions:
- What’s your goal?
- What do they need to do?
- What makes it difficult?
- What changes will help? (brainstorm all changes, not only training related and eventually Identify performance gaps)
- Is training part of the solution?
Backward Design
It’s a student- /trainee-centred approach and the process contains 3 steps. It starts with the end, the objectives, and works backward through the methods, the interaction, etc. – therefore It’s called backward design.
The assessment should contain a rubric, where the criteria of the output are listed for the accuracy and functionality of the presentation.
The 3 steps are following:
- Identify desired results;
- Determine acceptable evidence
- Plan learning activities.

Challenge-based learning
Scenario-based learning
I work with this framework in my everyday tasks in IT. What more exciting is there than to learn from experiencing real world challenges? You get to learn from a somehow Montessorian perspective and, this means hands-on, intermediated by technology.
This is the most common expression of Learning in companies. The idea is to bring the trainee to the mindset of a scenario (4 dimensions and 6 levels of the Bloom’s taxonomy helps) especially in the start
Game-based learning
Inquiry-based learning
The most famous, it’s the methodology that all want to use, namely on mobile learning, for the ease of use
Project-based learning

I know the best tools in the market, but I don’t have a subscription to those, such as Adobe or Articulate, but I build with Keynote and Powerpoint, Sigma, and a bit of coding, such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript (although this one not really), and I follow several app and web-based technology both to create wireframes and prototypes, as well as to create content in several Learning and Content Management Systems, such as Drupal, Atlassian, Confluence, Jira, etc.
Templates that I use to support my Instructional Designing process can be downloaded here:
It could be called a lesson plan. It is a plan. The plan of the training program. Following the scenario-based learning, every training unit should contain a challenge in the form of a story. Storyboarding also allows for the organization of the training in a visual way, and by dividing it into defined parts, the designer can.
Action Map
The map allows the visualization of the concept of the training program. The actions that the trainee should perform well will be listed. An example of how to think from the action plan perspective is to focus on the outcome by starting the focus sentence so: “At the end of this training, the trainee will be able to” and then add the desired behavior change that the training aims to transform, as well as the activities that will be practiced and finally the information on those activities.
Bloom’s taxonomy
I’m an expert in Bloom’s taxonomy, especially when it comes to consider the relation of HOTS and LOTS with Howard Gardner multiple intelligences theory (MI) – MI is not one of my favorites lately, but it’s useful and empowering to I understand it, and can apply it, if necessary. Mostly, MI can be useful when discussing personalized learning experiences. By following Bloom’s Taxonomy we can transform a given objective into several chunks of content. We then develop matching outcomes for our training and these will be gradually evolving in complexity along the training program. These objectives will be then analyzed in the evaluation phase (see also Kirckpatrick).

Career change from teaching to instructional design!
A pillar website showcasing my portfolio, both professional (in coaching, teaching, research methods in education) and personal (art experiments, mostly painting) as the inspiration for this website (including server side management).
LMS-based content
Website (including server side management) with Blog and Podcast integration, as well as e-commerce.)
An experimental art portfolio
My YouTube channel – my video portfolio
Find your favourite corporate value
A transcultural look at lusophone music – A project done just for the fun of sharing and experimenting with tools in the I & D area
Intercultural competence
Hora da Historia 1 (designed, developed, co-authored and coordinated the textbooks)
Tradwiki – dimensões de interculturalidade proporcionadas pelos novos media – Master Thesis (Supervised by Prof. José da Silva Ribeiro, Universidade Aberta, Porto, Portugal)
A major achievement as a lecturer where I could create a great interface for communication around literary texts between German and Portuguese. The creation of a wiki platform allowed each and every one of the students to have their own words when translating literary texts. I created the name Tradwiki within this educational thesis on the web, which is also a milestone (and I can now read innovative 🙂 ) – as I saw it later used then by another translation project website. As I left the University of Leipzig as a lecturer in 2009, the university servers have cleared this project from their database and I haven’t unfortunately made a copy. You can read the thesis here (although it’s already old to serve as an example of relevance in technology).
Personalised learning environments – a review
Intercultural competence in PLE textbooks – a Systematic Literature Review
Interculltural competence – grounded theory

Do you have an Instructional Design project to develop and do you need a knowledgeable Instructional designer?
I’m looking forward to develop it with you and for you!