Lingua Design is no longer in use. Here you can find a summary of the content and the formats used in the project.

Celebrando o Dia da Língua Portuguesa

No segundo 5 de maio enquanto Dia da Língua Portuguesa, uma celebração que revela e honra o caráter global, naturalmente intercultural e profundamente diverso da língua portuguesa, um conjunto de ações foram levadas a cabo no ano de 2021 para enaltecer o seu significado.

Os eventos principais do dia em 2021 tiveram lugar nas instituições e organizações que segui, em grande parte, em direto.

  • Camões, I.P. dedicou-de à apresentação de livros e antologias para celebrar a literatura e as artes de uma forma global.
  • O Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros assinalou a data neste evento.
  • A UNESCO assinalou a afeméride na sua página e é um dia curiosamente partilhado com o Dia da Herança Africana

O Observatório da Língua Portuguesa publicou vários links de informação de eventos que visam a celebração deste dia. 

Todas as editoras celebraram este dia, umas através das menções e historietas publicadas nas redes sociais, umas de forma mais suave, outras ações de significado um pouco mais profundo concorreram para que o marco fosse assinalado. 

A Editora Lidel organizou um evento em que conjugou a apresentação de um livro recentemente publicado que inclui reflexões teórico-práticas sobre Português, Língua de Herança.

A Porto Editora participou com o Camões I.P. na celebração do Dia da Língua Portuguesa, juntando a apresentação de um livro com mini-conversas e apresentações sob a forma de uma conversa com vários atores no âmbito do Português, Língua de Herança.

Cartões de interação – Nível A1

Contacte-nos para receber gratuitamente o resto do material por email!

Content planning for EFL kids A1 (Part 1 / 3)

Teaching philosophy

Developing a Teaching Philosophy is a lifelong task. However, as every step is a brick in building the fantastic house of becoming a teacher, I attempt to summarize here my experience upon reflection.

Speaking of reflection, it is indeed necessary for both parties involved in the teaching process to adjust and readjust expectations, motivations and daily challenges and possible emotional and structural obstacles. The aim of this reflection is always to transform all obstacles into milestones.

Nurturing in education means understanding compassionately the student’s problems dealing foremost in our case with any foreign language and motivate them to structure their emotional and social life in order to succeed in a foreign language lesson. This reflection can very well be done by feedback, which completes the learning process. Students become aware of challenges and that all information they need is to be pro-actively researched, shared and tested with and by the teacher.

In order to support a pro-active student it is necessary to develop task-oriented and project- oriented lessons to the specific topics determined by the syllabus and by the student’s needs and motivations, where the teacher acts as the orienting compass of source research and data presentation.

As far as grammar teaching is concerned, I believe that the contextualization is the best means to activate human memory skills, along with well-inducted rules taken by the students. All this should be followed by structural exercises, both in presence class and in a virtual, perhaps flipped class, have proven to be up to my experience the best asset.

Speaking exercises should be transversal to all activities in lesson. However, all the topics should be developed by student ́s presentations and class debates, where individual assessment as well as peer assessment would be desirable.

A focus on intercultural communication is not only a topic per se, but conscious awareness of the foreign language context is fundamental in a lesson, as it works up the learner’s expectations of the foreign culture.

Also digital skills, key to the 21st century are highly appreciated in my lessons, because I believe in technology associated with traditional knowledge.

Sense of humor is important in creating a good working atmosphere. It both motivates and it shows social and cultural competence. It is not however for every teacher – it really depends on the teacher as a person.

My many years of experience teaching in many schools, with diferent public, diferent levels, diferent motivations and different nationalities in countries as Portugal, Austria and Germany has been showing me the possibilities to expand as an individual in a global set. I like to contribute to efective communicators, who will be experiencing the virtues of living in a global village.

Writing Skills in Portuguese

For those looking to develop their writing skills, today an exercise book about writing in Portuguese for the levels A1-B2 was published on Apple Books. With tips, connectors and discourse markers, great formatting techniques and writing ideas for teachers. Check it out here:

European Portuguese is our expertise. We teach Brazilian Portuguese as well, always in a perspective of transnationality and intercultural awareness.

If you’re looking into improving Portuguese, check out our courses or contact us for booking lessons.

Inteligências múltiplas na sala de aula (IM)

Inteligências múltiplas (Portuguese)

As inteligências múltiplas (IM) são um dado adquirido no trabalho da sala de aula do século XXI. De crianças a adultos, todos gostamos de ser motivados e cada um se sente motivado de forma diferente. As IM articulam-se bem com o desenvolvimento da motivação intrínseca, com a estruturação, quer esta seja linear ou não, da aprendizagem. As aulas de língua estrangeira são o palco ideal para colocar à prova a flexibilidade dos professores e a capacidade de discernir as fases de aprendizagem de um aluno, as quais não significam naturalmente o mesmo para os restantes alunos de uma turma.

Além da presença das inteligências múltiplas no plano de uma aula, há ainda a considerar a taxonomia de Bloom que ensina os professores a ensinar, pois reflete as fases da aprendizagem, partindo da memória e do saber factual, e criando estratégias de movimentar o saber procedural, de modo a que se crie novo saber baseado nos alicerces da memória.

A taxonomia é uma regra de passos que ajudam na construção do pensamento congruente num dado contexto, o qual se transformará eventualmente em saber factual. Os designados passos serão fomentados por tarefas que preenchem as capacidades dos aprendentes e fazem sentido.

O importante no trabalho com as IM é manter o foco sobre um único objetivo, coerente, consistente e transversal ao longo da hierarquia de desenvolvimento do pensamento. 

Os professores devem fazer um teste de IM para averiguarem como preparar conteúdo educativo para tipos diferentes de aprendente ou turma. Um exemplo de teste pode ser encontrado aqui.

As 8 inteligências múltiplas


Esta é a inteligência que se ativa a partir de letras e palavras, destacando-se principalmente através de atividades como a leitura. 


A lógica e a razão são particularmente relevantes no desenvolvimento desta inteligência. Os aprendentes são motivados por números, contagens e fórmulas.


Gráficos, mapas mentais, assim como ilustração e vídeos são importantes para o desenvolvimento desta capacidade. A capacidade de estruturação mental é também ativada a partir daqui.


O som e o ritmo podem servir para ativar a memória, e trabalhar aspetos como pronúncia em línguas estrangeiras, ou literatura, particularmente a poesia, através do ritmo. 


O movimento corporal tem impacto sobre a a memória. Há métodos, tais como o total physical response (TPR) que se focam sobre a compreensão de input através de movimento. A dança, particularmente, ativa a inteligência motora com sentido.


A inteligência interpessoal é fundamental porque é fortemente baseada na emoção e na passagem do conhecimento e informação de uma forma humana. A sensação de bem-estar que a socialização promove faz da aprendizagem uma experiência e uma experiência é muito mais permanente. 


A reflexão e a auto-avaliação ajudam a auto-monitorização do conhecimento. 


Atividades fora de uma sala de aula e que colocam o aprendente em situações de vida real em que ele pode calcular e investigar em movimento.

A taxonomia de Bloom

Há 6 passos que o Bloom designou como importantes para o desenvolvimento do pensamento que eventualmente conduz à aprendizagem. Combinando os passos com as várias de inteligências permite-nos chegar a cada aprendente de acordo com o seu momento de desenvolvimento.


Que atividades se podem fazer no momento de aprendizagem recordar para as oito inteligências? Eis alguns exemplos abaixo.


  1. Atividades de brainstorming ou chuva de ideias perante o título de um texto
  2. Associar palavras a imagens ou texto
  3. Soletrar palavras
  4. Copiar partes de um texto


  1. Contar letras
  2. Relembrar números a partir da leitura de 30 segundos de um texto
  3. Relembrar número de objetos numa determinada situação
  4. Relembrar datas
  5. Dizer os números ou datas expostos no quadro
  6. Contar número de elementos de uma dada categoria


  1. Observar imagens ou filmes
  2. Descrever imagens ou filmes
  3. Identificar objetos no espaço


  1. Imitar sons
  2. Repetir sons, palavras ou frases
  3. Distinguir sons
  4. Repetir ou memorizar em coro rimas ou mnemónicas


  1. Identificar objetos
  2. Fazer mímica
  3. Ordenar objetos ou imagens com a respetiva legenda numa atividade física


  1. Entrevistar
  2. Tirar notas da informação do colega
  3. Definir um conceito em trabalho de grupo


  1. Assinalar numa lista aspetos relacionados com reflexão de um tópico


  1. Identificar, etiquetar ou rotular o que se vê num dado contexto sobre um determinado tema
  2. Descobrir elementos de um tema

Verbos / Atividades da ação de recordar

Definir, identificar, descrever, etiquetar / rotular, listar, nomear, fazer corresponder, afirmar, reconhecer, selecionar, examinar, localizar, memorizar, citar, relembrar, reproduzir, contar, copiar, descobrir, duplicar, enumerar, ouvir, observar, omitir, ler, recitar, gravar, repetir, recortar, visualizar.


Que atividades se podem fazer no momento de aprendizagem compreender para as oito inteligências? 


  1. Assinalar verdadeiro ou falso
  2. Completar lacunas
  3. Associar palavras a imagens ou objetos


  1. Ordenar partes de frase ou texto
  2. Compreender um texto a partir da busca de números
  3. Converter palavras ou frases em números


  1. Identificar objetos em imagem ou filme
  2. Descrever uma imagem
  3. Interpretar uma cena de um filme


  1. Compreender um aspeto (gramatical, lexical, temático, …) através da música
  2. Relacionar música com um tema
  3. Traduzir (oooh) o refrão de uma canção 


  1. Descobrir pares (por ex. de imagens e palavras) espalhados numa sala e relaciona-los
  2. Dramatizar uma parte de um texto, canção ou filme como forma de esclarecer o tema 


  1. Entrevistas em movimento
  2. Ditado “Banana”
  3. Ditado a correr


  1. Monitorizar a sua aprendizagem
  2. Escrever uma esta de aspetos que já sei numa determinada unidade


  1. Selecionar elementos num determinado ambiente ao vivo

Verbos /Atividades da ação de compreender

Explicar, descrever, interpretar, parafrasear, sumariar, classificar, comparar, diferenciar, discutir, distinguir, prever, associar, contrastar, converter, demonstrar, estimar, expressar, identificar, indicar, inferir, relacionar, reafirmar, selecionar, traduzir, pedir, citar, descobrir, generalizar, dar exemplos, agrupar, ilustrar, julgar, observar, ordenar, reportar, representar, pesquisar, rever, mostrar, seguir (trace), transformar


Que atividades se podem fazer no momento de aprendizagem aplicar para as oito inteligências?


  1. Ilustrar conceitos
  2. Escrever palavras previamente aprendidas para descrever imagens
  3. Completar lacunas com palavras em contexto


  1. Usar código (de cores, de números)
  2. Numerar
  3. Contabilizar
  4. Aplicar algo contabilizado para codificar fórmula


  1. Desenhar um gráfico
  2. Ilustrar conceitos
  3. Fazer uma exposição


  1. Escrever uma canção.
  2. Usar uma canção como âncora para memorizar elementos linguísticos
  3. Cantar em coro
  4. Gravar


  1. dramatizar 
  2. dançar


  1. entrevistar colegas
  2. demonstrar aos colegas como funciona determinado objeto, ou aspeto 


  1. O aprendente escolhe áreas que reconhece que sabe fazer a partir de uma lista de conteúdos


  1. Manipular objetos em contexto natural
  2. Organizar objetos e colocá-los no sítio certo

Verbos /Atividades da ação de aplicar

solucionar, aplicar, ilustrar, usar, modificar, calcular, mudar, escolher, demonstrar, descobrir, experimentar, relacionar, mostrar, desenhar, completar, construir, dramatizar, interpretar, manipular, pintar, preparar, produzir, reportar, ensinar, desempenhar um papel, administrar, articular, fazer um gráfico, colecionar, codificar, determinar, desenvolver, empregar, estabelecer, examinar, explicar, entrevistar, julgar, listar, operar, praticar, predizer, gravar, agendar, simular, transferir, escrever


Que atividades se podem fazer no momento de aprendizagem analisar para as oito inteligências?


  1. Segmentar nomes, verbos e adjetivos, etc. em categorias. Por exemplo, encontrar palavras com a mesma raiz: maravilhar (V), maravilhoso (Adj.), maravilha (N). 


  1. Organizar produtos por preço.
  2. Priorizar artigos de lista de compras de acordo com um valor (semana, mesada, orçamento, etc). 


  1. Criar um mapa mental com ramos e categorias de acordo com o tema tratado (Exemplo: Países de Língua Portuguesa, nove ramificações, e cada uma com capital, localização, etc).


  1. Estruturar lista de palavras de acordo com os sons. (Exemplo: Alimentos terminados em -ão: limão, pão, salmão, etc.)


  1. Fazer a mímica de um som. (Exemplo: som -ão). O professor diz uma lista de palavras, e à medida que as ouvem os alunos identificam quais as que terminam em –ão e aí fazem um movimento (Exemplo: um saltinho, ou dois saltinhos, girar em torno de si próprios).


  1. Os alunos usam sufixos e prefixos (em pequenos cartões, ou papéis) para criarem palavras numa atividade gamificada em pares.


  1. Os alunos completam uma ficha relativa à manipulação de palavras da mesma raíz através de prefixos e sufixos. Ao corrigirem a ficha, contam pontos verdes. No final o número de pontos verdes indica uma mensagem para o aluno, de modo a que o aluno identifique onde pode melhorar. 
  2. Escrever uma carta ao professor com as suas dificuldades. 


  1. Visitar uma biblioteca e através de um jogo de caça ao tesouro, por exemplo, encontrar todos os livros cujo título tem palavras terminadas em -ão.

Verbos /Atividades da ação de analisar

analisar, comparar, classificar, contrastar, distinguir, inferir, separar, explicar, selecionar, categorizar, conectar, diferenciar, discriminar, dividir, ordenar, sublinhar, priorizar, subdividir, fazer sondagens, publicitar, apreciar, estruturar, calcular, concluir, deduzir, planear, fazer diagramas, dissecar, estimar, avaliar, experimentar, focar, ilustrar, organizar, outline, engendrar, objetar, testar 


Que atividades se podem fazer no momento de aprendizagem avaliar para as oito inteligências?


  1. Escrever a recomendação de um local (restaurante, concerto com determinado músico, sala de cinema, experiência, hotel, etc.)


  1. Fazer a triagem de todos os hotéis que contenham 5 estrelas numa dada localidade. 


  1. Dar pontos a experiências num quadro próprio desenhado pelos alunos e exposto na sala.


  1. Encontrar uma música para os determinados níveis de experiência e tocá-la numa apresentação. 


  1. Testar o método de avaliação de experiências, dramatizando uma visita de estudo a um dos locais. 


  1. Em pleno, argumentar numa discussão guiada, mostrando aspetos negativos e positivos de cada experiência (num hotel, por exemplo).


  1. Responder a um questionário de satisfação sobre uma dada experiência (hotel, um concerto, um filme, etc…). 


  1. Fazer uma visita de estudo a uma das experiências contempladas (ex. um hotel famoso).

Verbos /Atividades da ação de avaliar

reestruturar, criticar, avaliar, ordenar, julgar, apoiar, comparar, decidir, descriminar, recomendar, sumariar, avaliar (assess), escolher, convencer, defender, estimular, encontrar erros, dar uma nota, medir, predizer, nivelar (rank), pontuar, selecionar, testar, argumentar, concluir, considerar, criticar, debater, distinguir, editar, justificar, persuadir, avaliar (rate), pesar


Que atividades se podem fazer no momento de aprendizagem criar para as oito inteligências?


  1. Escrever uma história. 
  2. Escrever um sumário. 
  3. Gravar um programa de rádio.


  1. Criar um gráfico comparativo.


  1. Fazer uma exposição de desenhos, fotografias ou pinturas.


  1. Criar um espetáculo de música.


  1. Dramatizar uma peça de teatro ou um filme.


  1. Fazer um mini-telejornal com várias entrevistas


  1. Compor um texto como reflexão sobre aspetos da aprendizagem.


  1. Criar um percurso de aprendizagem na natureza ou em espaços ao ar livre.
  2. Colecionar objetos relativos a um determinado tema

Verbos /Atividades da ação de criar

desenhar, compor, criar, planear, combinar, formular, inventar, hipotecar, substituir, escrever, compilar, construir, desenvolver, generalizar, integrar, modificar, organizar, preparar, produzir, reorganizar, reescrever, dramatizar (role-play), adaptar, antecipar, arranjar, juntar, escolher, colaborar, colecionar, planear, expressar, facilitar, imaginar, inferir, intervir, justificar, fazer, gerir, negociar, originar, propor, reorganizar, reportar, rever, esquematizar, simular, resolver, especular, estruturar, testar, validar

Inspirado em Multiple Intelligences in the classroom


Sons x – ss, ks, z, x

Check YouTube


Trava-línguas e fonética

Livros para aprender Português, Língua Não-Materna


Dicionários Português Europeu

Dicionários Português, variante do Brasil

5 channels to develop the listening competence in German

Use at least 5 channels to develop the listening competence in German. The listening competence in German is one of the key skills that you have to master to become proficient in the language. Mastering it will help you to write better and to speak better. Reading is easier too, as you make the sounds of the German language find the way into your text. Below follow some examples of nice resources to help you learn German and develop the listening (Hören) competence.



100 Sekunden Nachrichten

Weekly interesting information and discussion program: Anne Will


Eine minute Nachrichten: Heute XPress

Other interesting shows are Tatort. The weekly crime scene investigation has a team in the major cities of Germany and it promises great entertaining, the German way. A must watch at ARD on Sunday evening, 8.15 pm, German time. My favorite is Tatort Münster with Kommissar Thiel and Prof. Dr. Börne. Here you can see when the team shows up next on TV.



Frankfurter Allgemeine

Welt – Nachrichten


Old is now redirected to

Old D Radio Wissen is now Deutschlandfunk Nova:

Deutschlandradio Kultur is now Deutschlandfunk Kultur:

Deutschland Funk is still Deutschland Funk:


German Pod 101:

Coffee Break German:

Learn German with me:


Learn German with Herr Antrim

Learn German with Anja

Other helpful links to learn German:

Deutsche Welle 

Goethe Institut

If you would like to learn German properly with Lingua Design, book a lesson with me here.

3 channels to develop the oral competence in Portuguese

I chose to discuss here the three major channels that you can use to develop the oral competence in Portuguese. There are many great materials to work out oral comprehension in Portuguese as a Foreign Language. I know best the offer proposed for the European Portuguese. Some include video, as in the authentic material spread through television channels on their web presence. Other than that, there are Youtube Channels, the podcasts on Soundcloud and also at Apple. 

I have some preferences that I’m going to share with you here on my blog which help me a lot preparing my lessons of Portuguese as a Foreign Language at all levels.

Television channels

European Portuguese

RTP presents a rich media library of programs from news, to culture or science, which allow any Portuguese teacher the possibility to vary the type of material used in their lessons according to the interests of the students. 

For students interested in contemporary art, we have a good program on RTP Grandes Quadros Portugueses, (Great Portuguese Paintings) with documentaries about the painters and accessible from the following link: 

Both SIC and TVI are private information and entertaining channels. Therefore I’d dedicate the following materials to more advanced learners. 

If you watch SIC Notícias, for instance, it can be a great source of learning by merely going through the last news (últimas notícias).

On TV you can actually watch a current soap opera, such as Na Corda Bamba – it is a good listening exercise as the dialogues are not too fast. For this soap you’ll also find the summary of its chapters in specific blogs , which may help you to contrast the watched and listened to to the reading.

You can find a good example of an episode summary, which may be used in class by teachers or by the most autonomous students here.

For a weekly informed summary about geo-politics, it may be interesting to watch live a opinião de Paulo Portas (Paulo Portas’ opinion) on TVI and then compare information with news on the matter published in the students’ country public opinion.

Brazilian Portuguese

For the Brazilian Portuguese I’d recommend reading Estadão de São Paulo and watching the several soap operas available on the Globo website.


Youtube and Vimeo channels present materials done by teachers to learners, and or to other teachers too. They are based on the sharing of knowledge. Several times I also tell the students to create their own videos or audio recordings to practice the language. 

European Portuguese

On Youtube Practice Portuguese is a great channel:

Brazilian Portuguese

Podcasts em Português

There is an interesting variety of podcasts on Portuguese, but it’s necessary to pay attention to the variant: European or Brazilian. I found only a channel with African Portuguese – , and also to the instruction language of the podcast.

The most interesting for me are those podcasts completely spoken in Portuguese, the target language that you want to teach. However, there are learners that may feel more comfortable learning through English for instance, particularly beginners. These podcasts spoken in another language explaining the Portuguese language are also interesting for autonomous learners, or as a homework (for beginners). 

European Portuguese (in English) and the correspondent website:

European Portuguese (in Portuguese)

Although it has an English title, the Say it in Portuguese is spoken in European Portuguese: and it has a very interesting blog too:

Podcasts about traveling, travelers and about cosmopolitan people are very interesting. I usually choose some short (up to 20 minutes it is acceptable, but it’s advisable to make some cuts and focus on the important part to work in class in a meaningful way).

Brazilian Portuguese

To learn Portuguese, here is another interesting podcast:

To talk about general topics and to set the tone of a lesson, here is Café Brasil podcast:

Borders of science are also super interesting topics for lessons, for tests and for exams:

Learn Portuguese with Lingua Design.

Trabalhar a competência oral em Português; Practice the oral competence in Portuguese
Trabalhar a competência oral em Português; Practice the oral competence in Portuguese

Publishing on Kindle or Apple Books

Publishing on Kindle or Apple Books is the best way to sell your digital book. Whether for children, or for adults, there are several types of publications that you can do directly from your computer and ideally sell online.


Let’s start with Apple Books. You need following:

  1. Create your document on Pages or on iBooks Author. 
  2. Download iTunes Producer. 
  3. Upload the book to the store and wait up to 24 hours to have it reviewed – it’s usually really fast. 

outbound links

Check the book series project called Giggling in the Bus

internal links

Speed grammar

Speed grammar is a workshop aimed at revising grammar only. Below you’ll find some kahoots with some of the grammar items, all related to verbs. Although verb tenses play an important role in teaching, prepositions are missing, word order is missing and a few other grammar items are of extreme importance to completely know grammar.

  • Simple Present

  • Present Continuous (at the moment)

  • (Future arrangements)

  • Past Simple

  • Past Continuous

  • Past Simple vs. Past Continuous

  • Present Perfect

  • Present Perfect vs. Simple Past

  • Present Perfect vs. Present Perfect Continuous

  • Past Perfect vs. Past Simple

  • Past Perfect vs. Past Perfect Continuous

  • If-Clauses type 1

Powerpoint: who wants to be a millionaire?

  • If-Clauses type 2

+ Activities conditional

  • If-clauses type 3

  • Relative Clauses

  • Passive voice

  • Reported speech

Book your Speed Grammar workshop now!

Project Based Learning

Here’s a preview of what one can expect from Project Based Learning lessons at an international curriculum where lessons are iPad based and students do a lot of research for their exhibition. Based Learning – ECI – El Puerto de Santa Maria, Cádiz, España 2017-18 Based Learning – ECI – El Puerto de Santa Maria, Cádiz, España 2017-18

The process of Project Based Learning

The process of a project based learning lesson is quite interesting. I’ll be posting my experience with that here soon. But basically it entails creating good foundations by doing a lot of research, devising multiple drafts, exercising critique and preparing for a public exhibition, followed by a reflection, either by writing an article or something scientific. Then each step of the process has its own magic, which I will share with you.

21st century skills

The major environment through which Project Based Learning can exist is by the exercise of the 21st century skills. These focus on three major areas: Learning Skills, Literacy Skills and Life skills. 

Learning Skills

We have worked mostly with Learning Skills, which are also called the 4 C’s: Communication, Collaboration, Critical Thinking and Creativity. 

Literacy Skills

As for the Literacy skills, particularly when they are embedded in a digital learning environment, they deal with researching, sorting and organizing Information from several sorts of Media by means of using Technology at our disposal. In this respect, Internet is certainly a big help, which again requires strategy and teaching. Nowadays, however, students may immediately concentrate on the fast and easy track.As a result teachers should also spend time on teaching how-to to other sources of information. 

Life Skills

Further, Life Skills are important to develop all through anyone’s life, but these are particularly important for teenagers. Therefore Leadership and Social skills, as well as Productivity, Flexibility and Initiative or Pro-activity are the top skills that naturally evolve from the work with Project Based Learning. 

Fancy like having a course with such this teacher? Get in touch!


The benefits of ice-breakers are well-known. Disadvantages are that you probably don’t always have time for fun before starting. Grown-ups particularly like it to the point, short and full of practical information. While fully inconsiderate of ice-breakers, when grown-ups have a lot of fun, they collaborate more and most importantly for language lessons, they communicate more.

Here’s a few for adult lessons:

Surely kids are the ones challenging more and nicer and funnier ice-breakers every day. 

Here’s a few for demanding kids too:


It’s hard to define contents when our core business is customization, therefore your plans, your needs and your goals come into play. However, we like quality and we like to follow the Common European Framework Reference for Languages.

Communicate in German across the levels

I leave you with a few ideas on how we can develop your course:


Buy your course here.





Book your course now.


English for holidays | Porto


Dates: 6 a 9 agosto 2019 (das 18-20 horas)

Price: 99 EUR

Venue: Pensarilhos – Rua 15 de Novembro, 156 4100- 420, Porto

Business English

Syllabus and interesting content that you can choose:

Needs Analysis

Email writing

Communication skills


Get in touch!

English (General)

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Portuguese for Foreigners – book your lessons now!

Portuguese for Foreigners; Portuguese culture; Portuguese lessons;
Portuguese culture in our Portuguese lessons

This is your go-to place if you want to learn Portuguese for Foreigners. So book your lessons with us now. 

Lingua Design curates and creates personalized content for your course. 

In order to accomplish your plan, first you go through a free needs analysis test where we evaluate your level according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR)

Then we take your desired outcome as a goal and analyze the skills required to reach it. We check it against your current level in order to realistically understand how far we can stretch our strategiesactivities and exercises

Finally we teach you by using several up-to-date teaching methods focused upon the learner and we coach you (with real coaching methods) into reaching the set goals. We are sure to help you succeed. 

Language courses
  Single lesson €20,00 EUR  Pack of 10 hours €150,00 EUR  Pack of 20 hours €299,00 EUR  Pack of 5 days x 5hours €400,00 EUR 
  • Both local, face to face lessons and online offer.
  • All levels (A1 – C2).
  • Business Portuguese
  • General Portuguese
  • Portuguese for Holidays
  • Personalized packs of lessons

For information on further courses, please check the courses page

To book your Portuguese for Foreigners course, please follow the link to PayPal on the sidebar.

To schedule the date and time of your lessons, please do it here . We’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

For any other information, just get in touch through info ‘at’ 

Related posts:

3 channels to develop the oral competence in Portuguese

21st century skills

Communication – collaboration – critical thinking – creativity – global citizenship – customization and personalization of contents

Flip the classroom, teacher!

Lingua Design Teaching corner

Flipping the classroom 


At the end of the session participants will understand advantages of flipping the classroom and analyse ways of flipping the classroom. 


A teacher-centered approach to class management is gone and obsolete. We understand that every student creates their own path to knowledge. Constructivism has brought us this knowledge and we are eager to facilitate that.

Let’s imagine a regular student centered approach within a specific setting. 

As a teacher, you usually have to deal with time restrictions and different learning styles in a classroom.Too much idle time may result from this traditional classroom setting. They need to be engaged and active at all times.

School aims to develop autonomous students, but it is a fact that a traditional setting brings up dependent students. 

Let’s look at ways of flipping the classroom. 

You can implement following activity in an online setting, but also offline.


We asked teachers to brainstorm around:

1) what flipping the classroom means; 

2) its advantages and disadvantages.

Firstly, teachers shared their ideas on the board on the following: 

1) What is flipping the classroom? (e.g.Some ideas below:) 

  • Doing what you usually do in class at home and examples of it (reading texts, watching a film,…)
  • In class students do what they usually do at home, namely activities related to the studied topic at home 
  • Students discuss more about a topic with thought-through arguments 

2) Advantages of this method:

  • Student-centered 
  • Task-centered 
  • Research-oriented 
  • Autonomous learning
  • More space for discussion and clearing of doubts
  • Time for knowledge to settle in
  • Collaboration
  • Teacher as a helper 
  • etc…

Disadvantages of this method:

  • Access to technology may not be a given
  • Teachers have less control (on the side of the teacher) of the thinking patterns associated with the learning process, and therefore of not understanding where the student has troubles
  • In traditional lesson settings the students maybe be too talkative;
  • Interaction has to be very controlled, as the creation of a leader is a natural process and some students may feel uneasy managing the exposing of their learning;
  • Teachers watch a video to confirm their answers and prepare the discussion. 
  • Watch how it works:

Moreover, we’ve asked teachers to discuss the video and check their answers on the board. 

In pairs /groups teachers imagine a flipped classroom for specific scenarios:  

  • Teach Present Perfect to the 8th grade.
  • Teach English as a Lingua Franca


In addition, teachers discuss their opinions by brainstorming around the topics of the video, and comparing the traditional classroom management style with this method. 


Our learning style

Personalization – Experience – Learning by doing – Results


Lingua Design is a Language Learning playground. At least we aim to keep on in that direction. Learning that is designed to meet your needs is based on personalization of the experience of learning. In order to do that one requires a lot of human experience, and a lot of professional know-how.

We actually design the learning of a language based on any topic of your choice. Everyone likes to learn something new in a way that empathizes with their way of being, their time for learning with someone who neither gives up easily on them, nor leaves them dry and unsweating. And we like to facilitate that. Contact us.

Courses available at Lingua Design

Here are the courses available at Lingua Design, as well as dates, prices and venues. Scroll down to see them all, and click on the link to get more specific details about a course. The courses available are organized by hot datescoming up soonand done so that you have a clear picture of what’s been happening here and it also includes a section of highlight courses done.

German A1

Date: Intensive courses. Online and ongoing.  Contact us for further details.

Price: valued at 400 EUR , now only 249 EUR (25 hours)

Venue: Pensarilhos, Rua 15 de Novembro, à Casa da Música, Porto Contact us for further details. 

Portuguese as a Foreign Language

Dates: Intensive courses. Online and ongoing.  Contact us for further details.

Price: valued at 400 EUR , now only 249 EUR (25 hours)

Venue: Pensarilhos, Rua 15 de Novembro, à Casa da Música, Porto

English – Speed grammar

Date: Intensive courses. Online and ongoing.  Contact us for further details.

Price: 50 EUR + tax

Venue: Pensarilhos, Rua 15 de Novembro, à Casa da Música, Porto

English (Business English)

Date: Intensive courses. Online and ongoing.  Contact us for further details.

Price: valued at 400 EUR , now only 249 EUR (25 hours)

Venue: Pensarilhos, Rua 15 de Novembro, à Casa da Música, Porto

English (General English)

Date: Intensive courses. Online and ongoing.  Contact us for further details.

Price: valued at 400 EUR , now only 249 EUR (25 hours)

Venue: Pensarilhos, Rua 15 de Novembro, à Casa da Música, Porto

Courses and workshops done !

English for holidays (A2 – B1)

Entrepreneurship for Startups

Dates: Intensive courses. Online and ongoing.  Contact us for further details.

Price: valued at 1100 EUR , now only 100 EUR

Venue: Co-working space in Costa Cabral, Porto

Workshop Ice-breakers

Date: Intensive courses. Online and ongoing.  Contact us for further details.

Venue: Pensarilhos, Rua 15 de Novembro, à Casa da Música, Porto.

Price: 35 EUR + tax

Portuguese as a Foreign Language

Dates: Intensive courses. Online and ongoing.  Contact us for further details.

Price: valued at 400 EUR , now only 249 EUR (25 hours)

Venue: Pensarilhos, Rua 15 de Novembro, à Casa da Música, Porto

Workshop English – Speed grammar

Date: Online and ongoing.  Contact us for further details.

Price: 50 EUR + tax

Venue: Pensarilhos, Rua 15 de Novembro, à Casa da Música, Porto

English (Business English)

Date: Online and ongoing.  Contact us for further details.

Price: valued at 400 EUR , now only 249 EUR (25 hours)

Venue: Pensarilhos, Rua 15 de Novembro, à Casa da Música, Porto

English (General English)

Date: Online and ongoing.  Contact us for further details.

Price: valued at 400 EUR , now only 249 EUR (25 hours)

Venue: Pensarilhos, Rua 15 de Novembro, à Casa da Música, Porto

German (General)

Dates: Online and ongoing.  Contact us for further details.

Price: valued at 400 EUR , now only 249 EUR (25 hours)

Venue: Pensarilhos, Rua 15 de Novembro, à Casa da Música, Porto

German (Business)

Date: Online and ongoing.  Contact us for further details.

Price: valued at 400 EUR , now only 249 EUR (25 hours)

Venue: Pensarilhos, Rua 15 de Novembro, à Casa da Música, Porto

Courses – done and ready to repeat!

Entrepreneurship for Startups

Dates: Online and ongoing.  Contact us for further details.

Price: valued at 1100 EUR , now only 100 EUR

Venue: Co-working space in Costa Cabral, Porto

Teaching methods


Flip the classroom

Learning styles

Project based learning

Communicative approach

Apply for a teaching job at Lingua Design

Apply for a teaching job at Lingua Design. We are always on the lookout for teachers of English, German, French, Spanish, Italian and Mandarin (or even Kantonese) depending on the queries that we receive from customers and we would like to hear from you.

Lingua Design is focused on delivering good quality lessons. Our cores are intercultural communication and personalized language learning.

If you are interested in a freelance teaching job, you can apply by contacting us directly per email at info ‘at’ by telling us about your experience with teaching so far, explain your motivation to teach with us and anything else that you may find relevant about yourself.

We use Paypal or Stripe to pay you.

We’ll get in touch as soon as possible!

Experiências de aprendizagem personalizadas


10 minutos de aula experimental gratuitos

Aula de grupo
25 unidades x 45 min

General admission and member discounts for two adults
Five free tickets per special exhibition
Six single-use guest passes per year
$ / year

Aula a solo
1 unidade x 45 min

General admission and member discounts for one adult
One free ticket per special exhibition
Two single-use guest passes per year
$ / year

Aula a dois
25 unidades x 45 min

General admission and member discounts for two adults
Four free tickets per special exhibition
Four single-use guest passes per year
$ / year

Experiência de Formação e Aprendizagem tecnológica com recurso a Human-Centred Design

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Formação: desenvolvimento e implementação
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“Ensinar poderá bem ser a atividade mais altruísta à face da terra!”

Instructional Designer Project Portfolio (in progress)

Transferable skills

I’ve got a long teaching background in six countries and a versatile career, including experience working in the IT sector, and I’m looking forward to growing into an Instructional Designer, as I’ve got all the transferable skills necessary, and an open mind to learn with each and every project.


With a self-starter attitude, eager to learn and improve both personally and professionally, I have gathered technical skills both working in IT, as well as studying Digital Business at Porto Business School. I have excellent interpersonal and intercultural skills proved as a teacher and most recently as a Ph.D. student in Education at the University of Aveiro.


I like to keep technically updated and constantly develop my personal skills with the aim of serving individuals, projects, and organisations. Check out more about me here or here.

Get in touch

Mostly anything that allows Communication, Collaboration – I’m a great team player – Critical Thinking and Creativity. Those are my mojos (if one can have more than one at a time:)).



Challenge-based learning

Scenario-based learning

I work with this framework in my everyday tasks in IT. What more exciting is there than to learn from experiencing real world challenges? You get to learn from a somehow Montessorian perspective and, this means hands-on, intermediated by technology.

This is the most common expression of Learning in companies. The idea is to bring the trainee up to the scenario (the 4 dimensions and 6 levels of the Bloom’s taxonomy helps) especially in the start

Game-based learning

Inquiry-based learning

The most famous, it’s the methodology that all want to use, namely on mobile learning, for the ease of use

Project-based learning



Lingua Design is a project that aims to solve a real-life problem: how to combine a life passion (education) with a salary (one that allows living and breathing) without having to control 30+ teen personalities confined in a classroom, ready to explode. It’s quite a corner, I know! This is a big contribution to my change in career focus from teaching to instructional design!

LMS-based content right here on this Lingua Design project, I believe in ecosystems of Personal Learning Environments.

Website (including server side management) with Blog and Podcast integration, as well as e-commerce.)

Art and authorial art portfolio, research methods an education are the inspiration for this website(including server side management)

My YouTube channel – is part of the Lingua Design ecosystem

A project done just for the fun of sharing and experimenting with tools

Hora da Historia 1

Hora da História 2

Tradwiki – dimensões de interculturalidade proporcionadas pelos novos media -Master Thesis (Supervised by Prof. José da Silva Ribeiro, Universidade Aberta, Porto, Portugal)

A major achievement as a lecturer where I could create a great interface for communicating messages of literary texts between German and Portuguese. The creation of a wiki platform allowed each and every one of the students to have their own words when translating literary texts. I created the name Tradwiki within this educational thesis on the web, which is also a milestone (and I can now read innovative 🙂 ) – as I saw it later used then by another translation project website. As I left the University of Leipzig as a lecturer in 2009, the university servers have cleared this project from their database and I haven’t unfortunately made a copy. You can read the thesis here (although it’s already old to serve as an example of relevance in technology).

And I shall be looking forward to develop more projects with you and for you!


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